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New Moon Gemini

New Moon Gemini arrived this morning at approx. 8:38am EDT. This New Moon is quite powerful in that less than 24hrs ago, it crossed the paths of Gemini Jupiter and Mercury in close conjunction, while trining Pluto Aquarius as well, giving it some extra zip and muscle in a possible surge of long-winded yakking and electrical thinking and rambling rebelliousness. Being that New Moons are also much about hitting the restart button each month and taking action on impulse and instinct, there may also be a tendency to feel quite buzzed and scattered in the head the next few days, with too many directions to chose from creating emotional security issues. Problems between facts may also arise, especially in keeping up with fiction, and conversely…. This New Moon is also trine SN Libra and may stimulate a pull back to conversations with others in the past just to integrate or communicate some new info. The idea is to slow down, think then act; not act then think…. Gemini can overwhelm the nervous system too, so self-care needs to be taken into account here as well. Blessings this New Moon.