New Moon Virgo
New Moon Virgo arrives tonight at approximately 9:56pm EDT – New Moons always mark the start of each lunar month cycle bringing new beginnings and fresh energy into our lives. They offer us the opportunity to plant new seeds, begin new projects, and set new intentions forward each month. It’s a chance to renew and strengthen inner emotional security and the emotional body as well. With Virgo being a Mutable Earth sign, issues in health and/or service to others (or to oneself) can be redefined. This New Moon is also opposite Saturn Pisces and square Jupiter Gemini. If you feel you’ve been suffering from judgments, expectations or guilts of others, it’s a great time to take action on healing your emotional body by accepting yourself in the present moment, and by discerning and discriminating the emotions that belong to you and the emotions that do not belong to you. By pushing forwards new inner belief systems and truths, much grounded healing and self-forgiveness can come. Blessings this New Moon Virgo. Peace and Love.